Ubuntu Pssh Install
Pssh allows you to run ssh commands and more on multiple hosts.
apt install pssh
Note: This is from the readme documentation.
To avoid any conflicts with the putty package, all of the programs have been renamed.
- parallel-ssh is pssh
- parallel-scp is pscp
- parallel-rsync is prsync
- parallel-nuke is pnuke
- parallel-slurp is pslurp
Config files
Create a hostfile to use with pssh
touch /home/user/.ssh/hosts
In the above hostfile add hosts as username@ip or username@hostname example:
ansible@hostname [email protected]
pssh private key
If you need a private key in order to connect you need a config file in your
touch /home/user/.ssh/config
The config file can have multiple hosts with multiple keys example:
Host *.mgt StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/some_private_key Host wonka.mgt StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/another_private_key Host StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/another_private_key
Test If Pssh Works
parallel-ssh -i -h hosts uptime
Test If Pscp Works
parallel-scp -h hosts sample.txt /home/user_home_dir/
Test If Prsync Works
parallel-rsync -h hosts sample.txt /home/user_home_dir/
linux/ubuntu_parallel_ssh.txt · Last modified: 24/11/2023 12:14 by Allan