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How To Install Roundcube On FreeBSD

Preflight checklist

You need to have the following installed in order to run Roundcube. Apache 2.4x with php 5.6x or higher Guide here and MySQL 5.7.x or higher Guide here

For Php you will also need the folowing ports.

cd /usr/ports/graphics/php56-exif && make install clean BATCH=yes
cd /usr/ports/security/php56-openssl && make install clean BATCH=yes
cd /usr/ports/security/php56-mcrypt && make install clean BATCH=yes
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/php56-fileinfo && make install clean BATCH=yes

Installing Roundcube

cd /usr/ports/mail/roundcube
make "WITH=DOCS GD PSPELL MYSQL" install clean

When the option screen pops up just hit ok. And for all the other popups just accecpt the default values and hit ok.

Adjusting Apache

By default Roundcube is installed in /usr/local/www/roundcube if you don't like this you can allways create an alias in apache, for example like this. Remember to restart apache after you are done.

 Alias /roundcube "/usr/local/www/roundcube/"

<Directory "/usr/local/www/roundcube">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
    Allow from all

Or the more subtle approach would be to create a symlink in your document root location. Either method will work just fine.

cd /usr/local/www/apache24/data
ln -s /usr/local/www/roundcube/ .

Create a Database

Roundcube stores everything in a Database so we need to create one for Roundcube to use. Now you can use phpmyadmin for that or create one superfast using the command line like this.

mysql -u root -p

Enter the MySQL superuser password when prompted.

  • Replace “user” with the username you would like to use with the Roundcube.
  • Replace “databasename” with the database you would like to use with the Roundcube.
  • Replace “password” with the password you would like to use with the Roundcube database.
connect mysql
create database databasename;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Adjust the Roundcube configuration

Next up We need to adjust the Roundcube configuration file.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/config

Now we need to adjust the config file to be able to access the MySQL database we just created. So find the following line.

$config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://roundcube:pass@localhost/roundcubemail';

Change the following on that line.

  • roundcube should be changed to the username you used for the Roundcube database.
  • pass should be changed to the password you used for the Roundcube database.
  • roundcubemail should be changed to the databasename you used for the Roundcube database.

Adjust default values

We need to change a few things for default users of Roundcube.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/config

Find the following line.

$config['show_images'] = 0;

And change it to

$config['show_images'] = 1;

Next find this line

$config['preview_pane'] = false;

And change it to

$config['preview_pane'] = true;

Import database schema

Finally we need to import the database scheme. Replace “database” with the databasename you used when creating the Roundcube database and replace user with the username you used when creating the Roundcube database.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/SQL
mysql -u user -p database < mysql.initial.sql

Installing Antibruteforce

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins
tar zxvf antiBruteForce_v2.0.tar.gz
rm zxvf antiBruteForce_v2.0.tar.gz

Next vi need to add it to Roundcubes plugin configuration file.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/config

Under // List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory) add the following line.


Now your plugin list should look like this.


Restart apache to make the changes take effect.

apachectl restart

Enable Recipient To Contact Plugin

Recipient To Contact allows you to quickly add new contacts to address books. It displays a form to quickly save contacts.

We need to create a jqueryui config file first.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/jqueryui

Next let's fetch the Recipient To Contact plugin.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/
tar zxvf recipient_to_contact.tar.gz
rm recipient_to_contact.tar.gz

As with Antibruteforce we need to add it to Roundcubes plugin configuration file.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/config

Under // List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory) add the following lines.


Now your plugin list should look like this.


Log out and in of Roundcube for the changes to take effect.

Enable client side filters

Optional Start You can use managesieve to allow users create their own custom rules.

cd /usr/ports/mail/dovecot-managesieve && make install clean

Next in Dovecot's configuration file enable the managesieve service.

vi /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf

Find this line.

protocols = imap imaps pop3s managesieve

And add managesieve to the end of the line like this.

protocols = imap imaps pop3s managesieve

Restart Dovecut in order to load the new configuration.

svc -t /service/dovecot /service/dovecot/log

Now we need to find out what port managesieve is running on. We can find out issuing the following command.

sockstat -l4 |grep "dovecot"

You should get an output similar to this.

dovecot  imap-login 31043 4  tcp4   *:143                 *:*
dovecot  imap-login 31043 5  tcp4   *:993                 *:*
dovecot  imap-login 31042 4  tcp4   *:143                 *:*
dovecot  imap-login 31042 5  tcp4   *:993                 *:*
dovecot  imap-login 31041 4  tcp4   *:143                 *:*
dovecot  imap-login 31041 5  tcp4   *:993                 *:*
dovecot  pop3-login 31040 4  tcp4   *:995                 *:*
dovecot  pop3-login 31039 4  tcp4   *:995                 *:*
dovecot  pop3-login 31038 4  tcp4   *:995                 *:*
dovecot  managesiev 31037 4  tcp4   *:2000                *:*
dovecot  managesiev 31036 4  tcp4   *:2000                *:*
dovecot  managesiev 31035 4  tcp4   *:2000                *:*
root     dovecot    31015 6  tcp4   *:143                 *:*
root     dovecot    31015 7  tcp4   *:993                 *:*
root     dovecot    31015 8  tcp4   *:995                 *:*
root     dovecot    31015 9  tcp4   *:2000                *:*

And from this output we can see managesieve is running on port 2000. So let's get a configuration file in place.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/

Find this line it allmost at the top of the file.

$config['managesieve_port'] = null;

And match the port with the output we just got in this case 2000 so the line should look like this.

$config['managesieve_port'] = 2000;

And finally enable managesieve.

cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/config

Under // List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory) add the following line.


Now your plugin list should look like this.


Log out an in of Roundcube for the changes to take effect.

Optional Stop

Using port 465

Optional Start

If you need to run smtps i.e port 465 instead of port 25 find the following line.

$config['smtp_port'] = 25;

And change it to

$config['smtp_port'] = 465;

Restart apache for good measure.

apachectl restart

Optional Stop

archive/freebsd_install_roundcube.txt · Last modified: 24/11/2023 12:35 by Allan