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Centos Install Oracle Java


The official Oracle JDK is not available for download from the local repository. You have to download the .rpm package from the Java SE Downloads page (here) Note This guide assumes version 11.0.4 is beeing installed.

Install Java 11

yum localinstall jdk-11.0.4_linux-x64_bin.rpm

You can verify the version installed like this.

java --version

Choose Java version

Next choose which version of Java you would like to run this is done like this.

alternatives --config java

Note By default the newest version will be selected by default so normally you dont have to do anything about this.

Set up the Java environment

Find out where Java is installed.

update-alternatives --config java

From the above take note i.e the output from "update-alternatives --config java" take note of the path where Java is installed the "/usr/lib/jvm" part of things.

Next adjust the shell profile for all users including root to reflect the Java environment for most people that would be the .bash_profile file.

vi .bashrc

Add the following which should reflect the output from the command "update-alternatives --config java"

Example: If the output from the above is /usr/java/jdk-11.0.4/bin/java

Then add the following to .bash_profile


Remember to add this for all users including root.

Uninstalling Oracle Java

yum remove jdk-11.0.4_linux-x64_bin.rpm
archive/centos_install_java.txt · Last modified: 24/11/2023 12:41 by Allan