Ubuntu Install Winrar

Winrar is a commercial product that requires a license key unlike the open source products rar and unrar.

Download winrar from here.

Once downloaded extract the archive.

tar zxvfp rarlinux-x64-version.tar.gz
cd rar

The license file rarreg.key should be placed in one of the following directories:

/etc, /usr/local/etc, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib

Example usage:

Archive files or folders:

rar a archive_name.rar source_file_or_dir

Extract files or folders with full path:

unrar x archive_name.rar

Extract files or folders without full path:

unrar e archive_name.rar

Archive files or folders with password

rar a archive_name.rar -hp"password" source_file_or_dir

Extract files or folders with full path and with password

unrar x -p"password" archive_name.rar

Extract files or folders without path and with password

unrar e -p"password" archive_name.rar