Mac Theme For Ubuntu 22.04

Refresh packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Open a terminal and install the following tools so we can “tweak” Ubuntu to get a Mac look and feel.

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks gnome-shell-extension-manager git -y

Next we are going to download and install all the stuff needed for the Mac look alike theme. Note there are many configuration options you can use with the “WhiteSur-gtk-theme” you can see the full list here

Right let's start.

Open a terminal and run the following.

cd ~
tar xf mac-os-theme.tar.gz
rm mac-os-theme.tar.gz
cd mac-os-theme
git clone
cd WhiteSur-gtk-theme
./ -t all -l -c Light --round
sudo ./ -g
sudo ./ -f
cd ..
git clone
cd WhiteSur-icon-theme
cd ..
mkdir -p ~/.icons
tar xf mac-os-cursor/macOS-Monterey.tar.gz -C ~/.icons

Notes on installing the system font:
Using your file manager open the folder called “mac-os-theme” (image) and then open the folder called “mac-os-font” (image) select the font called “SF-Pro-Display-Regular.otf” (image) click “install” (image)

Time to tweak:
Launch the extension manager , click “browse” search for the following extensions and install them.

Launch “Tweaks” and adjust the following:

Finally in the upper right corner select settings (image) and adjust the following (image)

Final touches optional:
Minimize and maximize apps when you click on the dock icons. To achieve this open up a terminal and run the following command:

gsettings set click-action 'minimize-or-previews'

Replace the Ubuntu dock with “Dash to Dock”. Again launch the extension manager it now looks like this because we changed the theme, click “browse” and search for “Dash To Dock” (image) and install it. Now we cant have 2 Docks they will overlap so we need to disable the build in Ubuntu dock. From the extension manager click on “installed” and disable the Ubuntu dock (image) Finally adjust the settings for “Dash To Dock” like this (image) and once more here (image)

Mac wallpaper that changes according to time. Documentation can be found here

git clone
cd WhiteSur-wallpapers
sudo ./ -t whitesur -s 1080p

Normal wallpaper stationary

./ -t whitesur -s 1080p

Notes on snap packages As you will notice icons installed with snap such as Firefox will not have their icons changed. The best way is probably to make a copy of the applications .desktop and edit it. Here is an example using Firefox which is a snap installation.

cd ~/.local/share/applications/
cp /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/firefox_firefox.desktop .

Next edit the file “firefox_firefox.desktop”

Find the following line:


And replace it with:
