FreeBSD Archive

FreeBSD Install - Compiling The Kernel - Firewall Configuration - Remove Login Messages - Install NTP - Install Denyhosts - Install Proftpd - Install Screen - Install MySQL 5.7 - Install Perl - Install Acpache 2.4 With Php 5.6 - Install Php56 Extensions - Install Apache 2.4 With Php 7.2 - Install Php72 Extensions - Enable SSL On Apache 2.4 - Install Imagemagick - Install Lets Encrypt - Install VMware Tools - Install Open VM Tools - Install Xen Guest Utilities - Install Qmail - Install Dovecut - Install Spamdyke - Install Spamassassin - Install Clamav - Install Simscan - Install Qmailadmin - Install Roundcube - Configure Qmail TLS - Configuring Qmail SSL - Install qmHandle - Install Qmail-Remove - Common Mail Problems - Quickies

CentOS Archive

Install epel - Kickstart - Sample Kickstart File - Sample Kickstart File Lvm - Install Apache - Install Apache Mod_Evasive - Install Php - Install Bind Nameserver - Install ntp - Install nfs - Install snmp - Install squid - Install java - Install kanboard - Install mariadb - Ssl A Rating - Extend Logical Volume - Multiple Network Cards - Install Vmware Tools - Install Xen Guest Tools - Sysctl Tweak Conf - Install Shutter - Install KpCli - Install Pssh

Ubuntu Archive

Teams Install - Authentication Error - Apt Pkg Hash Sum Mismatch - Lvm Error On Boot

Hypervisor Archive

PowerCLI - Vcenter - VMware Misc - Upgrade - VMware Tools Install - VMware Backup - Xen Local ISO Repo - Xen Guest Tools Install

Misc Archive

Xen Local ISO Repo - Xen Guest Tools Install