A few custom man pages easy to maintain and expand

cd to the directory where you would like the manpages to reside.

cd /home/myuser\
wget https://wiki.x-files.dk/custom-manpages.tar.gz
tar zxvfp custom-manpages.tar.gz
cd custom-manpages
sudo ./xfman-install

How to setup
Run ./xman once. A symlink wil be created in /usr/local/bin and the path will be set in the xfman script. Thats it.

xfman manpage

xfman awk

xfman no input given
outputs current man pages available


cd /home/myuser/custom-manpages
sudo ./xfman-uninstall

In order to expand with your own man pages simply create a file in the custom-manpages directory. Once saved the new file will be included in the path automatically and ready to view i.e use no further actions required.