Pssh allows you to run ssh commands and more on multiple hosts.
yum install pssh
Right let's create a symlink to pscp, pscp will work but if we don't create the link the command is pscp.pssh instead of pscp.
Note this has nothing to do with pssh this is only needed if you plan on using pscp.
ln -s /usr/bin/pscp.pssh /usr/bin/pscp
Create a hostfile to use with pssh
touch /home/user/.ssh/hosts
In the above hostfile add hosts as username@ip or username@hostname example:
ansible@hostname [email protected]
If you need a private key in order to connect you need a config file in your
touch /home/user/.ssh/config
The config file can have multiple hosts with multiple keys example:
Host *.mgt StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/some_private_key Host wonka.mgt StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/another_private_key Host StrictHostKeyChecking no IdentityFile ~/.ssh/another_private_key
pssh -i -h hosts uptime
if the user has sudo rights you can try this as well
pssh -i -h hosts sudo cp /root/some_file_with_root_permissions /home/some_other_user
The above example works with pscp as well. If you did not create a link as descriped in the beginning use pscp.pssh instead of pscp.
pscp -h hosts sample.txt /home/user_home_dir/
prsync -h hosts sample.txt /home/user_home_dir/